The habits work together to help you become happier and healthier.
The 7 Habits
Throughout the Challenge, you’ll practice the 7 Daily Habits,
With the ultimate goal of incorporating them into your life.
We’ll focus on what you eat and drink, how you move, your sleep, and even your mental well-being,
Keeping you socially connected, self-aware, and more in control of your day-to-day. The end result of this effort can be profound, leaving you feeling rested, healthy, physically strong, and more open to new experiences.
You’ll keep score, but the power of the Challenge is not in the points.
Rather, it’s in the results that come from the 7 Habits working together to improve your days, your relationships, and your overall well-being — an effect that is best understood through experience.
Learn About the Game
Ready to move into game play? Click below to learn more about the rules and scoring work: